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Keep on Innovation

            If you can make things better for one day, you should make them better every day
            and never stop doing this.
                                                                      The Great Learning

                           组织行为                      Organizational Behavior

                                                     We always keep a mood of start up and passion
                           保持创业心态。                   for innovation.
                           超前五年想,提前三年做。              We make plan five years ahead, and we
                                                     implement it three years ahead.
                                                     We encourage innovation and tolerate failure
                                                     during the process.
                                                     Individual Behavior
                                                     We appreciate good ideas.
                                                     We are not afraid of challenging the
                           每天刷新自己。                   professionals.
                           常想更好是什么。                  We update ourselves every day.
                                                     We keep thinking what can be improved.
                                                     We are Against
                           枪打出头鸟。                    Being afraid of being exceptional.
                           多一事不如少一事。                 Rather caring less in the work.
                           当一天和尚撞一天钟。                Being inactive towards work.
                           保守自闭,视野狭隘。                Being over conservative and narrow minded.

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