Page 8 - sdjz
P. 8

Reaching the Best Quality

                    Reaching the Best Quality

            To make the best of it, it is necessary to study and explore hard with joint efforts.
                                                                           Book of Songs

                        组织行为                         Organizational Behavior

                                                     We count on the performance and quality.
                                                     We attach great importance to process and the
                        重过程看细节,重服务看效果。               details, the result and efficiency.
                        以品质树品牌。                      We establish our brand name with good quality.

                                                     Individual Behavior
                                                     We will follow high standard and strictly follow
                        修为高标准,做事严要求。                 rules when doing things.
                        品行为先。                        We will behave ourselves when doing things.
                        改善从细节着手。                     We will improve ourselves by taking account of
                                                     the details.

                        反对行为                         We are Against

                                                     High speed of development with low quality
                                                     Producing under-standard products to count as
                        以次充好。                        good ones.

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